Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Salary Is Important Factor of Any Human

Appraisals are where you get together with your team leader and agree what an outstanding member of the team you are, how much your contribution has been valued, what massive potential you have and, in recognition of all this, would you mind having your salary halved. Source:- BrainyQuote
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One employee told his boss, "Sir, Increase my salary, I got married recently."

The boss replied, "The Company cannot compensate for the accidents happened outside of the company."


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"I must have a raise," the man said to his boss. "There are three other companies after me."

"Really?" the boss asked. "What other companies are after you?"

"The gas company, the telephone company, and the electricity company," the man replied.


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Whats the closest thing to a woman's periods?
It's your salary!
It comes once a month,lasts about 3 or 6 days if it doesn't come, well then you are in big trouble!


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Salary stories are intrusive. Do you ask your neighbour what they earn for their job?


Before the salary

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After the salary

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Presented By Azim Uddin SEO Consultant


Ajeet Kumar said...

hi Azim this is good pics..... I am also very active before salary and after salary i sleep.......... so i think this is true...........

Unknown said...

Wow what a great post, Hope we always find this type of informative post in future also.

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